This popular breed of dog is a well-muscled, mid-sized, elegant dog with excellent endurance. The Dalmatian is slightly longer than tall when bred under the European (FCI) Standard. The American Kennel Club standard states that the dog should be more square, as long as it is tall at the withers. Shoulder should be well laid back with the elbow falling directly under the tip of the shoulder blade. Rear angulation should match the front with the stifle "well" bent indicating good angulation in the rear. The feet are round and compact with well-arched toes. The nails are either white and/or the same color as the spots. The ears are thin, tapering toward the tip, set fairly high and carried close to the head.
The ideal Dalmatian should stand between 54 and 61.5 cm (20 and 24 inches) at the withers and weigh from 23 to 35 kg fully grown. Breed standards for showing sometimes call for more specific sizes; the UK standard for instance, calls for a height between 22 and 24 inches (56-61 cm). Males are generally slightly larger than females.The female Dalmatian's gestation is about 2 months (60-64 days).